Sea Turtle Watching
Watch in amazement as you witness one of three types of globally endangered female sea turtles laying her eggs on the Nature Island's pristine beaches.
If youre there when the time is right, seeing the hatchlings heading back to sea will leave you spellbound. Hire a trained turtle guide to help you unravel the mystery of an unforgettable encounter with these gigantic gentle creatures.
For further information, contact:
Dominica Sea Turtle Conservation Organization Inc. (DomSeTCO): (767)-275-0724
Dominica Sea Turtle Hotline: (767)-616-8684 or (767)-225-7742
NEWCEPT Community Group (Northeast): (767)-225-6258
NET Community Group (Rosalie Beach): (767)-277-1608
La Plaine Sea Turtle Patrollers (Bout Sable Beach La Plaine): (767)-265-4549
Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division: (767)-266-5852