Kristine Simelda

Kristine Simelda has lived on the island of Dominica since 1994. She is the author of four adult novels, three novellas, a young adult novel and a collection of short stories for young adults, and several published pieces of short fiction. Her main focus as an author living in paradise has been to explore the island’s natural, cultural, and social issues via her books and short stories.
Currently she lives on a smallholding on the edge of the rainforest where she farms, writes, and raises large dogs.
Her latest novel Rise Up, Sista is set to be published on November 15th, 2021. Check it out on Amazon, here –> Rise Up,Sista
Her published short stories include:
- Brother: Jewels of the Caribbean: Potbake Productions 2014.
- Rocky: St. Somewhere Journal, April, 2013.
- Island Time: St. Somewhere Journal, July, 2013.
- Oracle of the Zemi: New Afrikan Journal of Culture, Politics, and Consciousness, Issue 8, 2013.
Numerous other short stories including:
- Letters from Paradise
- Poverty
- Nature lover
- Truth be Told
- Who in de Kitchen, and Mother.
Additional work includes:
- The Abattoir. The potential of environmental disaster looms large over a small island state.
- Back to the River. A novel for Young Adults seeking to discover their own way home.
- The Pursuit of Paradise. A tongue- in- cheek look at cross-cultural difficulties in the Caribbean.
- Perdu Temps. Lost in Time: Featuring ghosts, romance, tropical scenery, and folkloric wisdom.
- Papa Bwa. Set in a tropical rainforest, that pits the wisdom of nature against human hubris.
- Mutant Mongrels. Stories about Ridgeback dogs set around the world and throughout the ages.
A Face in the River
Twice divorced, middle-aged American businesswoman Krystal Sutherland is bored with her conventional job and her lifestyle. She takes a well-deserved break and falls in love with a wild and beautiful Caribbean island as well as her rugged mountain guide Sham. But things get complicated back home. After much soul searching involving her relationship with her ailing mother, her excellent job, and her First World boyfriend, Krystal leaves them all behind. In the beginning of her tropical adventure all is bliss, but soon the dark side of paradise steeped in rum, obeah, and betrayal casts its shadow on their romance.
In A Face in the River, Kristine Simelda has crafted a novel that lies like the truth and ultimately invites the reader to consider the high price of enchantment.
Also Available as an Ebook – click here to learn more
River of Fire
Krystal’s At It Again!
An older and wiser Krystal Sutherland, heroine of A Face in the River, is at it again. First and Third Worlds collide in River of Fire, an absorbing cross-cultural adventure novel that grapples with issues of money, class, family, cultural identity, and environmental terrorism in conscientious and courageous ways.
Will the island of Emerelda survive the devastation of a major volcanic eruption? Will Krystal, aka The Green Goddess, find her way back home from California? River of Fire is a rollicking intercontinental journey filled with heartfelt insights and joyful revelations about what it means to be an authentic human being.